Experience the Wadden Sea all year round

The Wadden Sea National Park offers world-class nature experiences all year round. Millions of migratory birds, grey seals and spotted seals, oysters, black sun, an ever-changing landscape and huge areas of seabed that are laid dry twice a day.

From the dyke at the Rømø dam you have a fantastic view of the Wadden Sea. Foto: Bjørn Enevoldsen

The trip of the year in the Wadden Sea National Park

Here's an overview of what you can experience in which seasons, so you get the best experiences and disturb breeding animals and birds as little as possible:

Summer Half Yearaprmayjunjulaugsep
Black Sunxx   x
Migratory Birdsxx  xx
Oystersx    x
The beach xxxxx
Beach meadows xxxxx
Winter Half Yearoctnovdecjanfebmar
Black Sunxx   x
Migratory Birdsxx   x
The great sea eagle is one of the birds you can see at the Wadden Sea. It is also called the "flying door". Foto: Torben Andersen

How to be the best guest in nature

  • Use the many fantastic trails that show both nature and culture at their best - and at the same time avoid getting lost.
  • Respect that certain areas may be closed off during the birds' breeding season.
  • Do not drive on dykes, unless there is a path and a sign by the dyke.
  • Pick up the rubbish you find and take it with you – even if it's not yours.
  • Always remember that you are a guest in nature, and therefore do not disturb birds and animals.
  • Feel free to sink, but refrain from picking protected flowers and plants.
It could be a loving kiss, but it is probably more of a warning that the sheep has come too close to the nest of the shorebird. Foto Tandrup Naturfilm